Monday, December 28, 2009

Back in Action

As you can probably tell, I have been away for Christmas. Like the rest of the country, my togs are full of sand and I'm ready to kill my rellies. Also: I'm possibly still drunk. [Sluuurrrr...]

But I'm also super excited about greeting my wardrobe again! Hello Mr. 1980s blazer, oh how I missed you! Ms. 60s clutch, my how well you look!

Sometimes they talk back, I swear!

Embarrassing discussions with inanimate objects aside, I hope you're all restored with pavlova and lack of work because you'll want to be fully functional for this:

Fire engine red 1950s style pumps.

$1 reserve.


Yes, perhaps it's the eggnog, or perhaps it's residual Christmas spirit, but I'm feeling generous. Too generous, maybe, since these are probably too delicious to let go for a steal...

Ooh err...

Fortunately for you, I have big-ass feet, and the women of the 1950s did not. My prodigious viewing of old movies tells me they were all delicate and wasp-waisted, like Audrey Hepburn. They were also all lost princesses and/or seductive society types. Simpler times.

Anyway, if you have smallish feet, get on over to TradeMe pronto! Because seriously, these are a find. A teency bit scuffed, as you would expect with vintage shoes, but with a touch o' polish they'll be showstoppers.

In fact, I'd venture a guess they've literally stopped shows. Previous owner hypotheses: movie star. Chorus girl. Roxie Hart. Or all three: Renee Zellweger.

In stilletoes, she would look like a working girl. In 50s era shoes: a goddess.

But enough speculation. Here are the linkies:

Happy shopping!

Love and show-stopping,
The Vintage Madam.

PS. The guy in the first picture is a real "comedian." Talking shoes are his real "act." Next time you have nothing to do on a Saturday night, take comfort in the fact that you're still cooler than somebody.

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